An EDI plant is used after RO for polishing of demineralized water to obtain low levels of conductivity and silica. EDI is an alternative to a conventional mixed-bed polisher.
Typical applications for EDI: Boiler feed water at heat and power plants, process water within the electronic industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and hospitals and laboratories.
Plant description
Flow rates up to 60 m³/h. EDI plants are either produced as standard modules or custom-made according to requirements
EDI is a continuous process and utilizes chemical-free regeneration. Therefore, regeneration downtime is eliminated and storage and handling of acid and lye are avoided. The plants are space-saving on account of the very compact design. The plants are of high quality, need minimum maintenance, and the reliability of operation is very high.
To avoid frequent membrane replacement, the pre-treatment will be designed for your site-specific situation. This can involve sand filtration, cartridge filtration and more.
EDI plant with a capacity of 60 m³/h totally demineralized water with a very low conductivity and silica acid content for producing boiler water for high pressure steam turbine.
The pipe system for the treated water is made in PP (Polypropylene) connected by welding and each takes app. 15-20 minutes to make. In total, 570 weldings have been made for this plant. Each EDI cell is fitted with own test cock.